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5th june 1996! the author of this electric diary, lets enjoy ur life guys! ♥02Januari

January 29, 2011

almet :3

cyehuuuuyyy i'm officially a part of fourevrent 2013!

aku udah dapet almetnya dong muehehe warnanya marun gitu lucu deh :p

mau liat? ini diaaaaaaa

yuhuuu lucu kan :3 gilaa pengorbanan banget buat dapetin nih almet

jadi kan itu hari kamis, terus almet ini dibagiinnya ga di sekolah melainkan di.............MONAS, ya orang gila kan emang-_-' jadi gue dari 4 jalan kaki ke monaas, bareng radina yekho aline ikel oktary pras galih kevin tere dll lah banyak. terus sampe di monas ada percakapan gini

gue : jauh banget kel dimana sih?
ikel : di monas
gatau siapa : ini udah dimonas bego
gue : tau nih ah jangan bilang lo gatau tempatnya?!
ikel : tau gue, tuh tuh deket pertigaan (nunjuk)
gue : jauh ga? anjir yg bawa motor cuma 2 orang, bisa bengek gue jalan dr sini kesana
ikel : gaataaau nih yaudeh gue kesana dulu

akhirnya nunggu si ikel kesana naik mtr galih, terus akhirnya ketauan deh dimana DAAAAAN JAUH SANGAT. sial bgt gasih!@#$^%&*()_ wkwk akhirnya naik motor deh tuh ganti2an , taunya gue diturunin didepannya tuh sama si cepot (anak x-e), taunya masih kedalem lagi, monsssskey abis ye gak? orang lg kecapekan-_-"

sampe didalem ya gue ngoceh lah wkwkw lagian milih tempat di pendalaman kaya gt, mana disitu pada................. semua, kan orang kesel -,- yaudah deh akhirnya abis dpt almet gue langsung tinggal aja. seeeeeeeeeeeeeebel najong -________-

setelahhh dapet pulang kerumah dan bobo :3

January 14, 2011

The day of heart-breaking

hm.... i dont want to tell it actually, i just can not keep it alone, i'm trying to be strong altough i know i cant stand it anymore

thanks for made me easily smile
thanks for accompany me in the longnight and we cant talk so much in bbm
thanks for make me fly when you called my name and changed it into ......
thanks for that "tebak-tebakan" and give me a compliment me when i can answer it.
thanks for made me worry everytime you didn't reply my mentions
and..thanks for these one month that i can not forget as fast

i know.... you should be happy with her, you love her and she loves you too

i'm trying to let you go, i'm willing for it, i know i should be happy too cause everyone is HAPPY TOO.

i could be happy even it hurts, yeppp, i'll try to not love you anymore and....i know i can and everyone knows that I CAN. i can get more than you yeaaaaaaaah :) congratulation boy... have a longlasting relationship with her.

i'm willing for it. i'm sure for every words i say here.

January 01, 2011

don't make me disappointed, 2011 ;-)